Thursday, July 22, 2010


TREATMENT : Round 2.

Early this month aku dah start for our baby wish treatment.
Doctor tua dah tak layan kita lagik and yg doctor handsome tu dah transfer kat tempat lain so yg layan kita doctor pompuan plak but she's ok lah, better than those two. Lebih memahami dan prihatin. Selepas minor surgery to remove aku nyer fibroids, aku start amek nose spray and 2 days ago start enjet perot.
Sakit lah, mana ada sedapnya kalo part2 cocok2 ni kan.

Obat kos kali ni betol2 cobaan. 600€ lebih! anjat giler aku ngan laki!
demi nak anak nak buat camne kan.
aku pon terpaksa berani kan diri lah ngan benda cocok2 atau minor surgery yg akan aku lalui tak lama lagi.

This friday ada appointment.
We will find out how many eggs ...
Hope it's more than 3!
Doa kan ku please.
Update soon:)

Enjoy Thursday.



Oh, Angie Cromar. When the gyno told you that he heard two heartbeats in your belly, he didn't mean that you were having twins. He meant that your two uteruses were each carrying a child, one week apart.

Yep, Angie has a one-in-five-million condition called didelphys.
 She has two uteri (is that the proper plural? "Ueteruses" sounds wrong).